Growth guided development

Development driven by strategy, systems & scale

Web Development leverages the latest technologies and best practices to build cutting-edge ecommerce experiences delivering market-leading performance and user satisfaction.

Line by line


Environment & Architecture

Configuring necessary tools, frameworks, version control systems, and testing environments to ensure a structured and thorough approach to the initial stages of development.

By focusing on requirements gathering, project planning, site architecture, and development environment setup, we ensure a smooth and efficient development process and end product.



Implementing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designs by translating the design into interactive pages, ensuring responsive design across various devices.

Depending on the project scope this can mean building on Shopify natively, integrating with its theme builder, or creating a headless solution, requiring integration with a 3rd party CMS.


Quality Assurance & Testing

Verifying that a website's functionalities work as intended. This involves testing all interactive elements, pages, buying process and features to ensure they perform correctly under various conditions.

Ensuring functional integrity, we can identify and fix bugs or issues that could disrupt the user experience. Helping deliver a reliable and smooth-performing ecommerce store.


Deploy & Launch

Pushing the tested and approved codebase from the staging environment to a production environment where it becomes accessible to end users.

Once live, our 30-day monitoring period begins, helping quickly detect and resolve issues, and ensuring the website runs smoothly. By actively optimising the site based on real-time data, we can improve performance and user experience.

Have an ecommerce web project?

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached,

Let’s Chat

We work with startups and international industry leaders.

Ben Carwyn - Founder Carwyn Cellars

“We were been blown away by the level of service from Flux Agency. I've so appreciated their commitment to get to know our business inside and out and how they've taken the time to really listen to our ideas and vision.”

Cambridge Clothing on Shopify

Wesley Rodricks - Head of Creative @ Thankyou

“Flux are versatile and incredibly talented at the support they give us. Highly recommended”

We're energised by the potential to create stunning brand experiences that ignite your bottom line - when you win, we win. But what they said was true: it’s not what you do; it’s the way that you do it.

Teegan Cocchiaro - Founder & Managing Director @ Lo & Co

“Flux was able to bring our vision to life through a sleek and modern Shopfiy site that has impressed our customers. The team at Flux demonstrated expertise throughout, and their collaboration and guidance helped deliver a website that met our needs. We appreciate their dedication in creating an online presence that truly represents our brand.”

Emilie Emond - Marketing Manager @ Byron Bay Cookie

“5 Stars. Flux had great communication and speedy responses to our queries. Great work.”

Powering your eCommerce journey

At, we don't just make websites; we pioneer the future of online retail. We excel in delivering eCommerce solutions – from initial one-off projects and theme customisation to bespoke theme design and ongoing support. Our experienced team leverages the latest technologies and platforms, ensuring your eCommerce website is innovative, highly scalable, and performance-driven. Custom eCommerce website developers

In today's fast-paced eCommerce landscape, versatility and adaptation are key. Recognising that no single platform fits all, our eCommerce website development services span the industry's best and most adaptable platforms.

At, our eCommerce website developers are architects of digital growth, dedicated to guiding you through the intricacies of online expansion.

Have an ecommerce web project?

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached,

Let’s Chat

eCommerce website development: Crafting the future of online retail

Customised eCommerce website development is the lever of advancement for online retailers aiming to break through the next stage of growth. It's about refining and expanding your digital storefront to meet the ever-evolving demands of your business and customers. This approach ensures scalability, introduces advanced features and achieves a level of customisation that propels your brand forward.

Benefits of bespoke eCommerce website development

Tailored User Experience

Design a user interface that perfectly aligns with your brand identity, meeting specific customer needs and enhancing engagement and conversions.

Optimised Performance

Ensure your website loads quickly and operates smoothly across all devices.

Unique Features and Functionality

Incorporate specialised features and functionalities that aren't available in off-the-shelf solutions.


Build a platform that grows with your business and accommodates new product ranges, traffic, and transactions.

Enhanced Security

Implement advanced security measures, protecting sensitive data and building trust with your customers.

Seamless Integrations

Integrate with third-party applications, systems, and platforms, from payment gateways and shipping services to CRM and ERP systems.

Flexibility and Control

Have complete control over your site's architecture and functionality.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Leverage custom eCommerce web development to implement SEO best practices deep into the site's structure.

eCommerce development solutions

At, we tailor our eCommerce website development solutions to meet the unique needs of every business. We start with a detailed discovery and strategy phase to ensure alignment with your goals. Our tailored eCommerce website development solutions enhance your platform's efficiency, broaden your reach with sophisticated multi-channel integration, and offer an unmatched checkout experience that elevates customer satisfaction.

Makedo on Shopify Plus

The advantage

At, our distinctive advantage lies in our commitment to a partnership-driven, consultative approach. We engage in deep discussions to identify the most suitable eCommerce website development solutions that align with your business objectives. We look beyond immediate needs to determine how these solutions can drive your long-term growth.

eCommerce Website Development FAQs

Do I need a bespoke eCommerce website developer?

Engaging a bespoke eCommerce website developer is ideal if you're seeking a tailor-made online store that precisely fits your brand's unique requirements and goals. Custom development ensures that your eCommerce site not only stands out from the competition but also provides a seamless and engaging user experience tailored to your target audience.

With bespoke solutions, you gain the flexibility to implement specific functionalities, optimise the user journey, and ensure scalability as your business grows. If your business demands more than what off-the-shelf solutions offer, or if you aim to build a distinctive brand presence online, a bespoke eCommerce web developer is essential.

Can I migrate from another platform when building a new eCommerce website?

Absolutely. Migrating from one eCommerce platform to another is a common request and can be a strategic move for businesses looking to enhance their online store's functionality, scalability, or user experience. 

Our team at specialises in seamless migrations, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruption. We handle data integrity, preserving your valuable product data, customer information, and order history while also re-platforming to take advantage of improved performance, better SEO capabilities, and a more flexible and scalable platform that grows with your business.

When is the right time to engage an eCommerce web developer?

The right time to engage an eCommerce web developer is when you're planning to launch a new online store, upgrade an existing platform, or when you've identified opportunities for growth that your current setup cannot support. 

Key indicators include the need for a more customised shopping experience, the desire to improve site performance and user engagement, or the necessity to integrate advanced features and functionalities that off-the-shelf platforms cannot offer. Engaging with a developer early in your planning process can also help in laying a solid foundation for your eCommerce strategy.

Elevate your eCommerce experience with cutting-edge development solutions tailored to your needs. Let's turn your vision into reality. Reach out now.