An extension of your business

Experienced partners in systemised support

Ecommerce support can solve the problem of limited internal resources. Having continuous expert support ensures that any problems are quickly resolved, maintaining a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Looking for a longterm relationship

Our support partnership helps grow your online business.

We address any Shopify and ecommerce issues quickly and efficiently, ensuring optimal sales and user experience.

We keep your online presence up-to-date with the latest design and functionality.

With decades of expertise, we can be your personal support and optimization partner for your Shopify and Shopify Plus stores.

Let’s grow


Proven success

Our track record with Shopify speaks volumes, with numerous brands thriving under our expertise.


Bespoke Strategies

Custom solutions that resonate with your brand's mission for impactful results.


Unwavering support

A partnership that extends beyond launch, ensuring your journey is seamless and your success is inevitable.


Industry leaders

Shopify and Shopify Plus leaders, with over 50 years of combined experience.

What do you do as a partner?

Flux is a full-service eCommerce development agency. We specialise in building boutique eCommerce experiences for merchants who are building national and global brands. Our focus is on conversion and user experience, as these directly affect your bottom line.

Ultimately, Flux exists to turn your visitors into repeat customers, accelerating your business growth. We achieve this using the following toolkit of services:

Proactive Support

  • Monitor ongoing updates to Shopify that may affect site functionality.

  • Monitor all of Shopify's APIs.

  • Communicate with our contacts at Shopify head office about updates.

  • Stay informed about upcoming changes and features.

  • Monitor the eCommerce space for new tools and techniques being used.

  • Profile the site for any usability issues.

Reactive Support

  • Identify and resolve errors caused by 3rd party updates

  • Identify and resolve errors caused by API updates

  • Keep your theme up to date with Shopify updates

  • Provide assistance with content and site management as needed


  • Theme changes and improvements

  • Advanced product relations and configuration

  • Custom shipping methods and inventory management solutions

  • Speed and performance optimisation

  • App implementation and configuration

  • Custom app development


  • Monthly and quarterly strategy calls

  • Monitoring downtime

  • Testing performance and speed


  • User Interface design

  • User Experience Design


  • Referral marketing programs

  • Testimonial marketing

  • Upsell/cross-sell marketing

  • Klaviyo email marketing strategy

  • Third-party app setup and integrations

  • Site search personalization

Find out how we can help you,

Emilie Emond - Marketing Manager @ Byron Bay Cookie

“5 Stars. Flux had great communication and speedy responses to our queries. Great work.”

We work with startups and international industry leaders.

Wesley Rodricks - Head of Creative @ Thankyou

“Flux are versatile and incredibly talented at the support they give us. Highly recommended”