Experiences your users will love.

Crafting designs that elevate your products

UI / UX Design is about creating optimal interactions between your users and products, ensuring they are as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

Process makes perfect


Discovery & Ideation

A collaborative process to explore and validate design ideas. This phase helps in identifying gaps in the current user experience and creates a clear vision for the design direction.

It ensures that the design strategy is aligned with user needs and business goals, leading to more effective and innovative problem-solving.


Wireframing & Prototyping

The creation of layout plans (wireframes) to establish the content hierarchy and interactive simulations (prototypes) to mimic the end-user experience.

This approach helps in clarifying the design intent and ensuring we all have a shared understanding of the project. Aligning design with user needs and business objectives, ultimately leading to a more effective and engaging user experience.


High Fidelity & Systems

Creating highly detailed designs that mirror the final product, along with standardised components and design systems.

This attention to detail assists in accurately conveying the design to developers and stakeholders, ensuring that the final product matches the approved design.



A detailed transfer of design specifications, including layouts, styles, and interactive behaviours, from designers to developers, ensures that developers have a clear understanding of the design requirements.

Ensuring all design details are accurately communicated to the development team. It helps in maintaining design integrity throughout the development process, ensuring a consistent and high-quality final product.

Have a UI/UX design project?

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached,

Let’s Chat

Ben Carwyn - Founder Carwyn Cellars

“We were been blown away by the level of service from Flux Agency. I've so appreciated their commitment to get to know our business inside and out and how they've taken the time to really listen to our ideas and vision.”

Maple Store - UI & UX / Theme Customisation

Eva Mattress - UI & UX / Theme customisaiton

Wesley Rodricks - Head of Creative @ Thankyou

“Flux are versatile and incredibly talented at the support they give us. Highly recommended”

Teegan Cocchiaro - Founder & Managing Director @ Lo & Co

“Flux was able to bring our vision to life through a sleek and modern Shopfiy site that has impressed our customers. The team at Flux demonstrated expertise throughout, and their collaboration and guidance helped deliver a website that met our needs. We appreciate their dedication in creating an online presence that truly represents our brand.”

Designing exceptional user experiences

Exceptional design is the cornerstone of a captivating, engaging and flourishing eCommerce website. Our expert eCommerce designers craft visually stunning and highly functional designs that allure users, enhance their experience, and guide them to buy.

At flux.agency, we don't just create websites; we design and build immersive digital storefronts that reflect your brand's identity and exceed your business goals.

Web design FAQ’s

At flux.agency, we understand that every business is unique, and so are its design needs. We start by deep-diving into your brand and business goals during our discovery and ideation phase, ensuring that every design decision is purposeful and aligned with your vision.

Our wireframing and prototyping process brings your ideas to life, providing a clear and interactive preview of the end-user experience. With high-fidelity designs, we capture every nuance and detail, creating visually stunning and highly functional interfaces.

Benefits of ecommerce website design

Unique Brand Identity

Differentiating your business with a distinctive look and feel that aligns with your brand identity.

Tailored User Experience

Ensuring an intuitive, engaging, and tailored user experience for your specific target audience.


Easily scaling and adapting your website to meet changing demands as your business grows.

SEO Optimisation

Building your site with SEO best practices in mind, such as optimising site architecture, page load speed, mobile responsiveness, and meta tags.

Better Performance

Optimising your site for performance to ensure fast load times and smooth functionality.

Integration Capabilities

Allowing for easier integration with various business tools and systems.

Flexibility in Design and Functionality

Offering the freedom to implement any design or functionality you envision.

Emilie Emond - Marketing Manager @ Byron Bay Cookie

“5 Stars. Flux had great communication and speedy responses to our queries. Great work.”

flux.agency: eCommerce design experts

Standout design is vital for capturing and retaining customer attention. Our team at flux.agency are eCommerce pioneers. We create tailored eCommerce designs that look great and function seamlessly.

Leveraging the latest design principles and cutting-edge technologies, we deliver eCommerce sites that are both visually appealing and highly intuitive—every time.

At flux.agency, our experts guide you through the complexities of eCommerce website design, keeping you informed of the latest possibilities while keeping your goals front and centre.

Maple Store - UI & UX / Theme Customisation

Eva Mattress - UI & UX / Theme customisaiton