Adam Tregear Adam Tregear


The layout design process goes like this:

Wireframing: We create basic wireframes to outline the structure and layout of key pages, focusing on user flow and functionality without detailed design elements.

Prototyping: Next, we develop interactive prototypes to show how the site will function and feel. This includes navigation, page transitions, and interactive elements.

Design Mockups: Our designers create high-fidelity mockups with detailed design elements, including colours, fonts, images, and branding elements.

Feedback and Revisions: We share the mockups with you for feedback and make revisions based on your input to ensure the layout meets your expectations.

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Adam Tregear Adam Tregear

User Experience

Our UX design process focuses on creating an intuitive and engaging experience for your users:

User Research: We conduct user research to understand your target audience's needs, behaviours, and pain points.

User Journey Mapping: We map out user journeys to identify key touchpoints and ensure a smooth flow from landing on the site to completing a purchase.

Usability Testing: We perform usability testing with real users to identify and address any issues or areas for improvement.

Iterative Design: Based on testing feedback, we iterate on the design to enhance usability, ensuring that navigation is intuitive, the checkout process is streamlined, and information is easily accessible.

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Adam Tregear Adam Tregear


We prioritise accessibility to ensure your website is usable by everyone, including people with disabilities:

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): We follow WCAG standards to ensure your site meets accessibility requirements.

Keyboard Navigation: We design for keyboard navigability, ensuring that all interactive elements can be accessed and operated using a keyboard.

Contrast and Readability: We use high-contrast colour schemes and legible fonts to ensure text is readable for users with visual impairments.

Alternative Text: All images and non-text content include descriptive alt text to aid screen readers.

Testing and Compliance: We perform accessibility testing and audits to ensure your site complies with accessibility standards and provides an inclusive user experience.

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